This is a quick reference to guide you through using data reduction for Bio-SANS. It won't replace the function of your instrument local contact, who is the first and foremost the best person for instrument related questions. Please work with her/him to setup and understand the data reduction process before using the guide.
Various on-line systems will be used for this process, you should have your ORNL GUEST Portal login and password handy. They are accessible both inside and outside ORNL.
Data catalogue (Demo )
Data reduction notebook script interface
Data analysis cluster, where all data are located
A companion video tutorial can be found on YouTube
Identify the run numbers for the data in : All data are saved in sequential number (Run #) with all metadata information such as title, time and other user specified information. The run number is used in the reduction to call the data. Identifying the run number for the data to be reduced in the data catalogue is the first step in the process.
a. Login into
b. Click into HFIR > CG3, then find your
experiment IPTS
c. The Run number is the very first column in the list, along with
other useful information to identify data
Data reduction with jupyter notebook,
Login to and have a jupyter notebook setup for your experiment with your local contact.
{:start="3"} 3. Accessing reduced data from
Reduced data can be downloaded and viewed from in the designated output folder as specified in the reduction script. The server provides various connection options to access and download data as shown below in the front page of the analysis cluster.
Alternatively, one can launch Remote Desktop and
located these files. As shown below, go to and launch
remote desktop by clicking the "Launch Session" button.
Once logged-in, use the file broswer to locate the reduced files.
Reduced files are saved into 1D folder (1D curves) and 2D folder
(reduced as in QxQy coordinates). The HDF files have all the raw and
reduction metadata, as well as the reduced data. Please consult your
local contact on how to utilize them.
Typical isotropic data in 1D format (4 columns- Q, I, ΔI, ΔQ) are
saved in the 1D folder with the reduced 1D curves from main detector,
wing detector and both (main/wing curves stitched. Once the files are
downloaded, you can view them in the SANS analysis software of your